Current toys r us locations
Current toys r us locations

A separate building is located near it that has a birthday room. 466 West Palwaukee Avenue, Sleepy, Texas - (opened April 15, 1956) - Still has the 1950s double arch original walk up restaurant design and the one-arch Speedy sign.All Locations Are Inside Macy's Department Store Cumberland Mall. This list includes Toys 'R' Us Express, Toys 'R' Us Holiday Express and Macy's Toys 'R' Us locations, as well as some of the Kids 'R' Us and Babies 'R' Us locations. 4562 Bunker Street, Punkville, Texas - (opened April 3, 1996) This is a list of the current and former Toys 'R' Us locations.745 Stevens Avenue, John Day, Oregon (opened June 20, 1964) - Remodeled into the mansard roof in 1973 and into the current gold eyebrow look in 2010.943 Crockina Lane, Wayouttatown, Oregon - (opened April 9, 1970) - Still has and outdoor playground with McDonaland playground equipment.4567 Derk Lane, Gravity Falls, Oregon - (opened April 6, 1971) - Has a party room for kids birthdays and Ronald's Playplace.445 Crossland Road, Gravity Falls, Oregon - (opened March 23, 1968) - Has pinball machines.859 Crossland Way, Gravity Falls, Oregon - (opened July 9, 1990) - Has a Ronald's Playplace.Has a Coke Freestyle machine and an in-door Playplace (added on March 7, 1992). 248 West Marshfield Cove, Leonardo, New Jersey - (opened June 23, 1961) - Remodeled into the mansard roof on Apand the current gold eyebrow look on June 1, 2011.798 Union School Rd Rowland, NC - (opened April 17, 1979) - Has a dining counter with hamburger shaped stools.1873 Midway Rd Maxton, NC - (opened March 8, 1967) - Remodeled into the mansard roof design in 1978 and the gold eyebrow design in 2012.3 86 Bill Land Rd Hoffman, NC - (opened May 7, 1959) - Still has the original double arch building design and walk up stand design from the 1950s and the road sign from the 1950s.1301 Morganton Rd, Southern Pines, NC - (opened May 18, 1992) - Still has a Playplace with a ball pit due to it being attached to the indoor play structure.1926 N May St Southern Pines, North Carolina - (opened May 20, 1968) - Remodled into to golden eyebrow design in 2014.2754 Kinker Road, Canton, New York - (opened June 13, 1960) - Remodeled into the mansard roof in 1974 and into the current gold eyebrow look in 2011.640 Main Street, New Rochelle, New York - (opened March 7, 1983) - Has Coke Freestyle.388 Grofford Road, Whitehall, Montana - (opened June 6, 1958) -Remodeled into the mansard roof in 1976 and into the current gold eyebrow look in 2014.4 90 Main Street, Wimbledon Bay, Florida - (opened March 16, 1985) - Has a Playplace with arcade machines and a Nintendo 64.

current toys r us locations

2746 Hwy 98 E Carrabelle, FL - (opened March 5, 1986).563 10th Street, Flashy, Colorado - (opened April 17, 1980) - The window logo was removed on due to a car crashed into it.

current toys r us locations

  • 467 South Gertrude Street, Aspen, Colorado - (opened June 19, 1961) - Remodeled into the mansard roof in 1975 and into the current gold eyebrow look in 2009.

  • Current toys r us locations